So last week was a blast,
The trip to Dubai was more tiring than what I thought it would be.
Sleepless nights, jetlags, 9 hourse of standing and non stop walking,
plus, I had to take care of anything and everything.
This is making me miss going out on a trip with friends instead of ..... u know.
Honestly, I wasn't even excited for this Dubai trip, I should but I wasn't. It was a crappy trip to be honest.
Even sacrificed a weekend for it....
So I figured to get crazy when I'm back, and I did. Party two nights and it filled my emptiness for the past week lol.
Too bad I didn't get the chance to hangout with Yen Chen Chen and Coke. Oh well, maybe next time, didn't know they were singing that night.
Oh, and I think I had a crush on someone I don't know. Does that even make sense? lol
Anyway, I figure I should write something about it just for the record.
So I went to Angel's wedding last Saturday Night,
this girl just caught my eye, and since that night, I couldn't forget her.
For a randome girl in a random night? this had never happen to me.
So I called Yen Chen Chen and obviously she didn't answer,
then I called JC, and told her about it. She seemed really happy...
I asked her why, she said cuz you finally moved on and you seem to be really excited about this.
I was touched, cuz I never thought I would have friends like you guys in the past.
I don't know how to describe this but I'm grateful for having you guys with me!
Yeah, you guys. And no, not you! hahaha
If I ain't got you by Maroon 5, check it out